Friday, May 26, 2017

Persona 5: "Take Your Heart" Premium Collector's Edition Review

Hello, everyone! I am taking a quick, reluctant break from marathoning the sheer mindblowing awesomeness that is Persona 5 to bring you this quick review of the collector's edition! Forgive me if my writing isn't as up to par as usual, I admit that part of me is trying to rush through this to get back to gaming. I'm doing my best here!

Last summer, Atlus dropped a bit of an unwelcome bomb on us NA fans: the game was getting delayed in our region, unlike what had been promised to us earlier ("You'll get it in 2016, just like Japan!"). But at least we had a release date: Valentine's Day, 2017. And then pre-orders opened and alleviated a little of the grumpiness some of us felt. At least we could now order it, and we could see what we were getting. I had initially planned to just pick up the PS3 version and put off buying the Playstation 4 a little while longer (until there were more games on it that I wanted to play, at least).

And then I saw it, and my heart was instantly stolen (which was probably the whole point of it). Atlus was offering a beautiful deluxe collector's edition unlike anything they had ever offered before. But only for the PS4! I stared at the Amazon page for a moment, and then something in my brain just said, "Yes," and I found myself clicking that "Buy" button faster than I ever have before in my life. I got into the Megami Tensei franchise after Persona 3 and 4 were released, and I remember stewing in jealousy after finding out that there had been collector's editions which I of course would never be able to get now. So for the first time, a Persona game released while I was in the fandom! With a job paying me all the monies I need to buy a collector's edition! Wooooooooo!

(Honestly, though, now that Atlus has a new game engine for the PS4, plus a lot of high-quality art assets, I think it will be a no-brainer for them to make some more PS4 games. That's what happened when they made the jump into 3D gaming with the PS2; once they'd made Shin Megami Tensei 3, they were able to reuse the assets for several other games on the same console. So it was good that I finally decided to get a PS4.)

So let's get into this review, looking at each item piece by piece! (I might review the game itself later, but for now, let's look at these fun goodies.)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I'm alive!

Hello, everyone! Long time, no see! How has everyone's weekend been?

It's been a rather crazy month on my end! I've spent the last few weeks playing Persona 5 nonstop, and when I looked up, it was May and the blog long quiet.

In unfortunate news, my laptop died last week, so I am unfortunately stuck with typing up blog entries on my work computer for the meanwhile. I'll be looking into getting a new laptop as soon as I can, but I have no idea when that will be.

Stay tuned! Miss Scarlett, signing out!