Saturday, June 7, 2014

A few quick notes.

The next review will be posted on the 13th, and will start a trend of posting every other Friday, as long as I have things to review (or at least have something to talk about). Given the date, the subject matter will be appropriate. That's the only hint I'll give. ;)

I do have enough material already at home to provide reviews for the next few months (summer and fall), so that shouldn't be an issue. Obtaining it is another story, however. The stores in my area (Wal-Mart, Target, Justice) have an abysmal selection of toys, especially dolls and figures. Target seems to be the best, but their selection has shrunk in the past six months. I suppose I'll have to find the nearest Toys R Us and see what their selection is. Shopping at a brick and mortar is simply easier for me since I can pick things up while I'm running errands; online retailers have a better selection, but I honestly hate waiting and paying for shipping. There are trade offs for everything in life, I suppose.

In a bit of news, Mattel has announced that they are releasing a variant of one of their Ever After High dolls at the San Diego Comic Con. This is an alternate version of their character "Cerise Hood," the successor to Little Red Riding Hood (I'll explain more about Ever After High in a later post). This alternate version is entitled "Cerise Wolf," and reimagines her as the successor to the Big Bad Wolf. I have mixed feelings about this, especially given how difficult it is to obtain a SDCC released doll if one cannot make it to the convention. There are several hoops to jump through, as Tomopop explains in the news blurb that I linked. I'm grateful that it's not a new character, as seems to happen with the Monster High SDCC releases, but annoyed because Cerise is one of my favorite Ever After High characters (the other is Duchess Swan, who doesn't have a doll yet). I'd certainly like to have this variant of Cerise, and would willingly fork over whatever Mattel asked in price, but...well, odds are not in my favor. I've made my peace with the fact that I probably won't get her, and I'm actually not going to go out of my way to get my hands on her through eBay. (I...actually don't like that they seem to have lightened her skin tone. What are you doing, Mattel?)

That seems to be have a wonderful weekend! Miss Scarlett signing off.