Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where Miss Scarlett has been waiting, albeit impatiently.

Happy weekend, everyone! Hope it's been going well!

It feels odd to be writing again! To clarify: the majority of my reviews are written well in advance and are scheduled to be automatically posted. I technically haven't written anything in real-time, like I'm doing now, for quite a few weeks.

But I've got a bit of downtime, and figured I should write about something. And what I really wanted to chat about is how there are so many things that I'm looking forward to...but that I'm so tired of waiting for! (It's a bit of an odd post today, because Miss Scarlett just wants to natter a bit.)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Monster High Monster Exchange Lagoona Blue Doll (and Marisol Coxi!)

Welcome to the Hobby Haven, everyone! I hope your week went well. And it's almost the weekend! So let's celebrate with another review. Some of you might remember that I was gifted with not one, but two Monster High dolls this Christmas. And I haven't gotten around to reviewing them yet. So today's the day! It's two for one (sort of) at the Hobby Haven, after the jump.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Crafting post: Duchess Swan's Makeover, part 1

Hey, everyone! Welcome to the Hobby Haven! Today, I'm bringing you guys a little something different. Hopefully, you guys remember that earlier, I picked up the basic doll for one of my favorite Ever After High characters, Duchess Swan. (And in the same post, I complained about all the changes they made to her design.) I figured, why not be proactive and give her a makeover to have her look more like the cartoon/webisode design, since that's what I liked?

Thus, I have undertaken the process of giving Duchess a makeover to have her look more like her classy, sassy webisode design. It's the first time I've ever done anything like this, so I've documented my process here step by step: feel free to use my ideas as a template if you're planning on doing something similar!

I've broken this post down into multiple posts, to save on space. Look for the second part coming soon! Everything can be found after the jump.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Ever After High "Duchess Swan" Review

It's time, everyone. The moment has finally arrived. The long-awaited, hotly anticipated review of Ever After High's Duchess Swan basic doll. I have dreamt about this for what has felt like years, and I feel like a choir of angels is singing in the background.

Welcome to the Hobby Haven.

Alright, so as all of you probably remember, I have been babbling about how much I wanted Mattel to make a basic doll for my favorite Ever After High Royal character, Duchess Swan. I first got into the fandom in March of 2014, and waited months and months, hoping beyond hope that they would get around to it. And then they announced it--joy of joys!--and gave a release window. And then the release window went by, no Duchess. And then she finally went up online, but it seemed that some fans were finding her in Target stores. Yet when I tried to find her in my local stores, I came up empty-handed time after time. Eventually, I got frustrated enough that I decided it wasn't worth my time and gas money to look for her on errand shopping days, and got her online.

It's been a long road to this point, is what I'm saying.

I have her now, though, and that's all that matters. So let's get down to reviewing her, what we've been waiting for all along!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Media Review: Sailor Moon Season 1 Part 2, Limited Edition

Fighting evil by moonlight, publishing reviews by daylight, she is the one called Miss Scarlett!


Welcome to the Hobby Haven. Today, I'll be giving you guys another media review, this time for the second boxset of Sailor Moon's first season. I try to do media review about every month, which is why you're seeing it now as opposed to a few months ago. If I ever hit the big bucks and can buy things more frequently, I promise I'll publish more of them and on a more frequent basis. ;)

But for now, let's take a look at boxset 2! All the info is after the jump.