Thursday, April 30, 2015

Where Miss Scarlett has been waiting, albeit impatiently.

Happy weekend, everyone! Hope it's been going well!

It feels odd to be writing again! To clarify: the majority of my reviews are written well in advance and are scheduled to be automatically posted. I technically haven't written anything in real-time, like I'm doing now, for quite a few weeks.

But I've got a bit of downtime, and figured I should write about something. And what I really wanted to chat about is how there are so many things that I'm looking forward to...but that I'm so tired of waiting for! (It's a bit of an odd post today, because Miss Scarlett just wants to natter a bit.)

  • Jurassic World - Surprisingly to some of you, I like dinosaurs; I have ever since I was a kid. And once I got older, the Jurassic Park series turned into catnip for me. There aren't many movie series (that are being actively updated with new movies) that I'm a fan of, so when it was announced that a fourth installment would be made, I kind of lost it. This movie promises to be everything I've wondered about and wanted to see: a fully functional Jurassic Park with guests. Technology has changed, but human greed and arrogance has not. Plus, my movie "husband," Chris Pratt will be starring. I'm planning on going at least twice: once for a regular viewing on opening day, and another time to see it in 3D. There are quite a lot of movies I'd like to see this year, and this is the one I've been wanting to see the most, ever since it was announced last year.
  • The next book in the Borden Dispatches series - I don't read very many "new" series these days, because there is such a glut in the fantasy-supernatural-sci-fi genre. There's just too much to go through, and finding something new can just be too exhausting. I read a book review of Cherie Priest's new book Maplecroft on i09 by sheer happenstance, and then read a short preview on Amazon, I believe. As soon as I was finished with work that day, I dashed out to buy it. I enjoy historical fiction, but usually when it's crossed over with something unexpected, so reading about Lizzie Borden fighting against a tide of Lovecraftian abominations from the sea is very enjoyable. Of course, it's more serious an compelling than I've made it sound; although that probably won't convince anyone. I myself roll my eyes and move on when I read that phrase. But in any case, Priest has confirmed that it will be a series and that another book is planned. However, given that she's got several projects underway at the moment, we're not looking at getting the next installment for some time, maybe a year or two.
  • Any number of new manga series that I've begun reading that are scheduled for release this year and the next, but not soon enough! I tend to read a lot of manga, and over the past two years, I've begun reading more than I historically ever have. I've also become a lot more involved in following the NA manga localization industry and paying close attention to new licenses. Hence, there is a vast array of new books that I have already pre-ordered coming our way, but not for months and months. Sigh.
  • Technobabylon - Along with reading more manga, I've become more involved in PC gaming. I have bought more games via Steam and Good Old Games in the past year than I have probably ever bought in my life. I am hopelessly addicted to point-and-click adventure games, and one of the studios feeding my addiction is Wadjet Eye games, makers of the excellent Blackwell series. I recently finished that series, and am going to work my way through the handful of other games they've made...but I'm starving for more! They are currently working on another game, a grim cyberpunk-styled sci-fi mystery adventure called Technobabylon. It's supposed to be released within the next month or so...but I keep looking at the calendar and wondering when I'll be able to sink my teeth into it.
  • Persona 5 - Enough said. I'm having a hard time playing games right now, because every single game I have isn't Persona 5, and that's all I want to play. The initial release date Atlus gave us was "winter 2014," which generally means December in the entertainment world. Then it got moved to "2015," but implied to be not far off from the original release date. Then February rolled around, release date still confirmed as "2015," and a bonus disc of gameplay footage would be shipped with one of their other games launching in the summer. There are rumors flying around that Atlus will give more details at E3 this summer, and a lot of people--myself included--are hoping that we'll see the game soon after. My biggest concern is how quickly the game will arrive in NA. SMT IV, the one of the last "big" releases got here roughly a month and a half after its Japanese release. I think that P5 is even more anticipated than SMT IV, so I'm hoping that Atlus USA will be able to get it to us in the same timeframe...