Friday, January 13, 2017

Nintendo Switch Thoughts

I'm sniffling and coughing, but can't hold myself back! As you may have heard by now, Nintendo unveiled several details about their upcoming console, the Switch. And I must admit, I am interested. I should state that I'm really not big on Nintendo's first-party titles... They're never really done much for me. I tend to stick to the third-party titles, and will buy a system based on that metric. Hence why I didn't buy a Wii U...just their handheld stuff. But after watching the presentation, I am seriously mulling over a Switch purchase.

Nintendo showed several trailers, plus a sizzle reel of some seriously amazing games. Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Shin Megami Tensei, Octopath Traveler...these look right up my alley. And I gotta admit that my fangirl side is going full throttle with "It's got SMT! You gotta buy this!" But I am going to wait for more information at this point. I noticed that Square Enix is porting "I am Setsuna" to the Switch, and I am wondering how many other games are going to get ported? It's...kind of weird to me. I'm so used to Sony and Microsoft having (roughly) many of the same games on their system, so you just picked the platform that has the exclusives you want, since you can get basically everything else as multi-platform. Nintendo was its own creature with pretty much entirely exclusive games. But if they're going to get a lot of the games that the Playstation and X Box will...that's going to make things more complicated.

I suppose it's a good thing that the games that have intrigued me won't be available at launch...that way I have time to learn more about the system's game lineup, plus time for the game developers to release more about their plans.

Looks like 2017 is gonna be pretty busy! Miss Scarlett, signing off!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sniffle time...

Hey guys, the next blog post will probably be postponed a bit. I'm sick as a dog right now, and in no condition to be writing up reviews. As soon as I'm feeling better, I'll post the next review! Miss Scarlett, signing out.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Miss Scarlett Cooks! Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

Happy 2017, everyone! To kick off the year, what's better than to make some delicious treats and relax? Today, I've got a terrific recipes for homemade brownies, with a yummy peanut butter swirl. They're pretty dangerous, because you can't have just one!

And for those of you who are allergic to peanut butter or just don't care for it; you're in luck! The peanut butter is added to the brownies as a topping, so you can easily skip it and just use the brownie recipe.

Everything you need to know to make these is after the cut!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Digital manga sales!

Hello, everyone! I'm back at work and already missing sleeping in and spending lazy mornings in my PJs with a cup of coffee.

Humble Bundle has a sweet book bundle deal going on right now; for $1, you can get a digital copy of volume 1 of the sci-fi manga BLAME! as well as a 1-month subscription to Crunchyroll (where you can read high-quality digital manga and watch high-quality anime streams). The only caveat is that the Crunchyroll deal is only offered for new subscribers. Also: if you bump your pledge to $8 you get BLAME! digital volume 2 in addition to the above, and if you pay $17, you get all of the above and the full digital manga series of Knights of Sidonia.

Kodansha Comics is also doing a super sale on their digital manga: all digital manga is 50% off. If you're interested in their series, I suggest following them online, as once or twice a year they will do an incredible sale where all first volumes of their digital manga series are $0.99 each.

That's all for now; Miss Scarlett, signing out!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A look ahead at 2017

Hello, everyone! Welcome to 2017!

Fair warning, I will probably be MIA for all of April and probably most of May. I am going to do my best to make a whole bunch of content ahead of time and schedule them to be auto-posted.

What reviews can you expect to see:

  • Persona 5 Take Your Heart collector's edition review
  • Sailor Moon S Season 3 LE BD review
  • More figma, Nendoroid, and Figuarts reviews!
  • Hopefully some more Persona 5 merchandise...
  • And more recipes!

I am hoping to be able to purchase some more dolls, but I ended up spending more money than originally planned on figures...sometimes I almost wish I could go back in time to stop Past Scarlett from falling down this particular rabbit hole...

I also need to finally get around to making that post about my Sailor Moon collection. But I'll need to spend a couple hours in my parents' basement, rooting around to find where all my stuff got pushed to...Hopefully I can find a few hours to do it in at some point.

Miss Scarlett, signing out!