Sunday, May 18, 2014

Miss Scarlett tries this blogging thing again

I have to say that I admire anyone who can write on a regular basis. I find myself doing it so infrequently that at times it's a bit of a struggle to express what I'm trying to say. I've dipped my feet into the blogging scene before, but just didn't have the interest or inclination to keep a blog going on a regular basis. (As an aside to the lovely LycoRogue, I have no idea how you do it, but keep it up!)

A few months ago, I started becoming more interested in collecting again, and have gained more of an appreciation for reviews, especially well-done ones. I suppose that this blog (Miss Scarlett Reviews) is an attempt to emulate that, although I have no delusions of internet fame or success.

 What this blog is: an attempt to improve my writing, and provide some information on various toy and hobby collectibles. It certainly won't be the best or most up to date one, but I like the idea of providing some information to those who are interested.

 What this blog is not: a professional or journalistic attempt at anything. This blog is not sponsored by any company, and I do not work for any company that makes toys, etc. (All items are purchased by myself and not provided for review by an outside party.) It's simply the point of view of an anonymous hobbyist who likes the idea of having a little corner of the Internet to ramble.

 I'll be putting up occasional (VERY occasional) reviews of various toys and collectibles, usually related to anime, although not always. I will try to provide a useful and informative review of each product, discussing price, quality, and purchase places, among other points. (I will basically post reviews when I have new products, and I don't anticipate that being too terribly often. As of right now, I have a few video reviews that I'll try to convert into text form, one doll at my home that is un-reviewed, and a few figures on pre-order that should be winging by way in the next few months. One will even be here in a matter of a week or two, I believe. So there is material to be posted. I will perhaps post a new review every two weeks or so, in order to have them all posted by summer's end. After that, I believe I will post only when I have something new.)

 And that, as they say, is that. Mission statement complete, and now to your regularly scheduled programming.