Saturday, September 6, 2014

Miss Scarlett crafts!

This week's regular review is postponed for right now, due to an unfortunate breakage. Grrr. I'll have it up as soon as I can. In the meanwhile, remember this?

Well, here's what I did with it:

I got some photo paper and printed out some designs. That large center picture is actually part of the cover of the latest Sailor Moon soundtrack CD. I found a scan, cropped out what I didn't need, an enlarged the center image. The background are just generic photos of space. All I had to do was cut the pictures out and tape them to the surface of the turntable. That way, I can do THIS:

Ta-da! A Sailor Moon Figuarts stand!

Not 100% perfect, and I definitely would like to upgrade to a bigger turntable when possible. But it's a cool way to display my Figuarts together! I was inspired by an electric turntable I saw on eBay that somebody had put together. It had an electric motor, so it turned on its own, and was outer space themed, specifically for Sailor Moon. I don't have the cash to buy that, nor do I have the skills to build an electric display...but I can make a DIY version that fits the bill just fine.

Keep a weather eye out for the postponed review, I'll have it up as soon as I can. Miss Scarlett, signing out!