Sunday, December 21, 2014

Oh my word! Today has been simply, as the Monster High ghouls would say, to die for. Welcome to the Hobby Haven.

First of all, we finally got high-quality pictures of the Duchess Swan basic doll! No news on availability yet, but she is simply stunning. Her official artwork--what Mattel based the doll on--was given a redesign to look much more...hmm...simple? She doesn't look as close to her webisode design anymore. But she is just too gorgeous for words, and I am hanging on the Ever After High Dolls page with bated breath for more news.

Secondly, my doll-collecting friend Miss Moon (I hadn't chosen a name for her yet, but this will do nicely, unless I think of a better pseudonym) and I exchanged Christmas gifts. Yes, it's a little early, but we'll both be rather busy in the days leading up before Christmas and won't get to see each other before then. And of course, I had to open my present now, because she hinted that it was Monster High related.

Oh my good lord, she bought me Monster High dolls! SHE BOUGHT ME MONSTER EXCHANGE LAGOONA! She also bought me Marisol Coxi! It's hard to convey emotion properly through writing, but I am just floored that she not only A. Wanted to help me cross items off of my doll-collecting list, but B. Got me two. She's a good friend, that Moon. :)

I'll be putting reviews up after the holidays--I might be keeping Marisol in the box, though. I'm kind of wishing I did that with Elissabat.

Thirdly, I have the beginnings of a cold, so I am positively drowning in DayQuil, vitamins, and chicken soup. I have been sick on Christmas before, and it has been far from fun. Yuck, yuck. Stopped at the drugstore today to stock up on tissues in case this drags on.

Lots of anime coming my way soon, too! My order of the Limited Edition of Cowboy Bebop shipped, but the post office goofed and sent it to my mother instead of me. So I have to wait until I can see her and get it. She thinks it's a calendar, do I correct her...?

I also placed an order at RightStuf--I ended up waiting until all the sale items were released before pouncing. I got the Persona 4: The Animation complete collection on DVD; that was something of a compromise. I wanted the show on BD, but Sentai's release had English audio only, and that kind of miffed me. I wasn't sure what to get, but then decided to just go with this version. I also got the Spice and Wolf complete collection on BD/DVD (it's a great show, especially if you have an interest in economics), Dusk Maiden of Amnesia complete collection on BD (ended up liking this more than I thought I would; it's a ghost story with some fanservice and romance elements), Corpse Princess DVD S.A.V.E. release (been waiting to get this for a while, and I couldn't pass it up for $12), Yu Yu Hakusho season 2 BD (I love this show so much that I'm going to buy it again on BD), and a volume of manga. I wanted to get more, but I had to pay for Cowboy Bebop this month (and next month is my Sailor Uranus figure), so that's probably not happening.

Also, the Steam winter sale started up. So....yeah. I sold some of the weird trading cards that you get for playing the games, and made a bit of money to defray the costs of a game or two. Or five, let's be realistic here.

In summation, so many shinies. So little monies. (Although I did get a raise and switched insurance providers, so there's a little bit more fundage now!) Miss Scarlett, signing out!