Monday, June 1, 2015

Convention Season!

And so it begins, my friends--the start of the summer convention season, when we get oodles of anime and video game announcements, thanks to conventions like PAX Prime, San Diego Comic Con, Anime Expo, and E3. I always get excited for summer, because every month has something to look forward to. Even if I don't get to go to them, there's always some interesting piece of news to pick up!

I'm debating whether or not I'll post any info here...maybe if I have downtime at work and want to natter.  My friend Icaro*and I will probably be live-commenting on the E3 announcements like we did last year (*not her real name). We watch the press conferences and make post Facebook threads or tweet each other about our thoughts. It's a lot of fun. I may end up posting the highlights!

Here's what this summer's convention season looks like:

E3, June 16th
Anime Expo, July 2nd
San Diego Comic Con, July 9th
Otakon, July 24th
PAX Prime, August 28th
Dragon Con, September 4th

These are just the big ones that I follow, there are tons of smaller cons out there. Looking forward to lots of news!