Saturday, June 20, 2015

Odds and Sods

Hey, everyone! Just a quick weekend update. Everything's after the jump, because my version of "quick" does not contain the word "brevity."

First, the Steam Summer Sale ends TOMORROW, and the Good Old Games DRM-free Summer Sale ends TODAY. If you have any games you're wanting to pick up, now would be the time! Remember that on the last day of the sale, all of the bargains they've had will be available, so if you were thinking about getting something, but missed out on a timed sale, here is your last chance. (I actually got about the same amount of games this time as I have in the past, once I looked over my receipts. Weird how perceptions can be!)

Second, the EAH "Sugar Coated" line of dolls is available for purchase on Amazon! Fairest on Ice has been found in stores in other countries, so that is probably next, release-wise. (I'll be getting Duchess Fairest on Ice, but...uh...not for a while.)

Third, I am probably going to try and stretch out review posts. I mentioned earlier that I have a *lot* of car repairs to make, plus a lot of assorted bills, so buy goodies this summer will be tight...I'm technically pushing it, as it is. I have three more figure reviews--one of which I'm in the middle of photographing/writing--plus a media review. I will probably try to do one review a month, and fill the rest of the time with crafting and recipe posts. So basically, anyone who's only interested in toys or nerdy things might want to just wait and check the blog in early autumn.

This will actually be starting up now; next Friday's scheduled post will be a recipe post, and the week after will be crafting. Of course, I will still make my random posts during the rest of the week! Where would be the fun without that?

Fourth, my favorite online anime retailer, Right Stuf, has undergone a massive website renovation. If you haven't checked them out, I can't recommend them highly enough. If you have bought from them in the past, a word of caution: you will need to reset your password, and any items that you had "Saved For Later" are gone, as that feature doesn't exist anymore. You can, however, now make wish lists, like Amazon does. If you have any further questions, you can check out their Facebook page.

Fifth, Anime Expo is right around the corner (It's held this year on the July 4th weekend), so I'm pretty excited for that! I'm trying to get over my disappointment from E3. Viz has been teasing "exciting announcements and news" at their AX Sailor Moon panel, so I'm hoping that we can get release dates for the fourth--and maybe fifth--box sets. I have a pretty strong feeling that they will give out casting announcements and maybe a release date for Crystal, but not 100% positive. Really, really would like some info on when we're getting the movies and specials, but my personal opinion is that we're getting those towards the end of their release of the series, maybe even after the last Stars boxset.

My Desperate Hopes wishlist for AX (and the other summer cons):

  • Kodansha USA, I really, really hope that your parent company has finally given you whatever you need to publish that Sailor Moon art book that you were teasing a few years ago. It's been held up on the Japanese end--due to Takeuchi-sensei, publishers, etc.--and every year, I hope that this is the year KUSA can finally go ahead and do stuff.
  • Licensing announcements for Faster Than a Kiss, Love So Life, Princess Jellyfish, Ludwig Revolution, and/or Otome Youkai Zakuro (While I'd love to have a licensing announcement of Faster Than a Kiss or Love So Life, I get that long-running shoujo series are a tough sell to today's audience. Most manga readers just can't seem to easily support a long series, financially. I'll be happy if we get at least one fun-sounding shoujo series announced by one of the manga publishers. I'm looking at you, Shoujo Beat. Don't let me down!)
  • Announcements of digital licenses for older, OOP series. When printing isn't feasible for the company, and I can't pay $30 for a volume of manga, I'll take a $7 digital manga PDF any day.
  • Also, announcements of manga box sets for Case Closed! I had to stop buying that series because it became too expensive. If Viz did this, like they did for Naruto/Bleach/Ouran, that would be way more feasible. Ouran's boxset is about $100 for 16 volumes. (It would be $160 if you bought each volume separately.) 
  • There's not a whole lot I'm wishing for, anime wise...there isn't anything airing this summer that I care about, and everything that I liked from last summer to this spring has been licensed. Would be pretty happy if Sentai announced that My Love Story!! is getting an English dub, though. Yamato's seiyuu is way squeaky.
Anyway, it's time for a coffee break, so off I go. Miss Scarlett, signing out!