Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Some fun video game news!

Hey, everyone! Hope your day is going great! It's been a pretty good one for me so far: A+ employee performance review, plus a party for the staff who have April birthdays (I brought some treats, and got great feedback, so I'll have some new recipes to share!). And I've just found some fun little video game news tidbits that I'll be passing along!

For those of you who are, like me, fans of the Shin Megami Tensei series, boy do I have great news! Atlus has uploaded a mysterious countdown timer that ends on...wait for it...May 5th. 05/05. It's been updated with some text stating that there will be a livestream airing at the end of the countdown. Hmmm....given the red color scheme, familiar character graphic, and the number, I wonder if this could be making an announcement for a certain Persona game...? (I'm fully expecting either a release date for the game in Japan or more information about the Persona 5 anime that was announced last year. Either way, it should be good!)

And your friend and mine,, has just launched other initiative to drain our wallets. They are running a "Bundleopolis" sale, where you can buy themed bundles of games for super deep discounts. I'll point out that in any given bundle, you can opt out of buying various games in each bundle; it will raise the price slightly, but the games are still sharply discounted overall. There are new bundles every 6 hours, and it's ending on Sunday! (Don't worry, none of the bundles are limited-time only, so you can just check on Sunday once everything is posted to see what you want.)

That's all for now! Miss Scarlett, signing out!