Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December update

Hi, everyone!

Just a quick update. Posts are going to be kind of light from now until the end of the year. I'll have one more mini review, and possibly some news posts, but that's about it. Basically, I am feverishly working on trying to finish a handful of homemade Christmas presents that got pushed off and pushed off until I realized that Christmas is basically two weeks away. No more time to spend on the blog, it's crunch time!

Also, I've been enjoying my shiny new PS4, so that ate up some time. I bought "I am Setsuna." and a few games from the PSN store sale. So I've been spending a bit more free time than I planned with it.  I'm also planning to just relax as much as I can during my Christmas break.

Miss Scarlett, signing out!