Sunday, March 26, 2017

Happy weekend!

Hello, everyone! I hope your weekend has gone well! Welcome to the Hobby Haven.

April is almost here, and that means two things: warmer weather and Persona 5! I'm pretty excited, since this will be the first time that a mainline Persona game has been released while I've been a fan. (I came on board the Persona train a few years ago, so...)

I bought some fun stuff not too long ago, so hopefully these will arrive soon-ish for me to review! You'll just have to hang tight until then.

Oh, and in some fun news, Atlus just had a livestream with some game announcements! They will be re-making two of their RPGs from the Nintendo DS: Strange Journey and Radiant Historia. I'm really excited! Radiant Historia was on my radar, but I just never got around to finding a copy. And then it went out of print and used copies were only available for exorbitant, jacked-up prices so I gave up. I did buy a copy of Strange Journey a few years ago, but I just never got around to playing it. And this remake ("Deep Strange Journey") is supposed to have tons of bells and whistles: fully voiced, cutscenes, a new character, a new ending, "gameplay enhancements," you name it. I'm pretty sure I'll play the remake first and then get around to the older version at some point. There isn't any further news, by the way, about the new SMT title that they teased for the Switch. Atlus did show a clip during their livestream--a very short clip--of a desolate, abandoned city swathed in sand, with an enormous stone hand protruding from the ground. I can only hope that there will be more news soon, seeing as this is SMT's 25th anniversary.

In any case, have a great weekend, everyone, and I hope to see you soon! Miss Scarlett, signing out!