Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It's that time of the year...

Aww, Halloween is over, guys. :( It's always a little sad when that happens. But we are now entering the wild, crazy holiday season (because honestly, most of November is now just a prelude to Thanksgiving and Black Friday).

I tend to get my Christmas shopping done earlier in the year; in fact, I usually try to have it done by summertime. So usually by the time November rolls around, any shopping I have to do is usually for me! I'll hold off on buying electronics or clothes I don't need immediately in order to get them during the holiday sales. (I also hold off on buying anime, because the best sales are always in November and December...)

This year, I'll be biting the bullet and picking up a PS4. Last year's sales were about $299 for a console, so I'm hoping that we'll see some bundles (maybe with a free game or with a controller) for about the same price.

Aside from that, I'm hoping for some good clothing sales to pick a few new things for my work wardrobe. Mainly pants and shoes, I think. And stocking stuffers, too!

As for the Right Stuf sales, I'm hoping to buy up a bunch of Aniplex-created shows that Sentai had licensed. Given that Aniplex has not been renewing contracts for a lot of their licensed-out shows this year, I feel that it's wise to pick them up now as opposed to waiting and and then being forced to buy them for a big markup after suddenly going OOP. I'd also like to buy some of the Funimation titles that are on my "high priority, want to buy these soon" list, like The Slayers (which I got into last year after trying on a whim, it's very "zany" but has great action and is pretty fun). Next year and the year after, I'm going to save up more and try to "go big" and buy up as much off of my wishlist as possible, including some of the pricier releases that I've held back on (which includes a few shows by Viz, who never offers any sales or bargains and forces you to pay close to full MSRP, grrr), plus some of the manga series that I have fallen behind on. I guess I'll need to buy more shelves!

Miss Scarlett, signing out!