Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A bit of an update

Well folks, I've looked and looked, but my camera's memory card is still missing, and I'm going to have to give it up as lost and gone forever, oh my darling Clementine. So now I get to re-take lots of photos, substitute some Google images for the pictures of the dolls in boxes, and hope for the best.

In supremely amazing news, Duchess Swan's doll will be available for sale soon! Some 3rd party vendors got access to her and posted her for sale on places like Amazon, but for inflated prices. I'm going to wait until she hits store shelves and get her for a reasonable price. Kitty Cheshire should be hitting store shelves soon, as well--apparently, she got delayed due to manufacturing issues.

We also got TONS of news regarding new and upcoming EAH and MH dolls and playsets, but I'll save that for a little later. Just keep an eye out for it!

Also upcoming: the much-delayed MH and EAH that were supposed to be posted in December, some media reviews, and hopefully a new doll review!

Miss Scarlett's gotta run, so see you guys later!