Saturday, January 24, 2015

Yes, I just posted a bit ago...

I have a bit of downtime at work so I thought I'd mention a few things quick.

First, I realized that I never posted the Sailor Saturn S.H. Figuarts post. That will be scheduled for the first review of February, the 13th. ::smacks forehead:: This pushes the rest of the reviews a little further back. You'll still see Duchess Swan, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and the media reviews, never fear. This actually helps ensure that there are enough reviews to last until May, when a craaaapton of stuff is released.

Second, I took a quick glance over post viewcounts, and the most highly viewed posts were those listing sales, be it for toys, electronics, etc. I'll try and post more deals when I see them, but there might not be as much to list as there is during the holiday season. For those interested, Good Old Games is running up to 90% off selected adventure games this weekend, and the Playstation Network's online store is running a special offer where you can get 10% off of a single purchase. One-time use, and the sale runs until the 26th. I think the details are on the site; I haven't bought anything yet, though.

I'm going shopping this coming week to see what toys have hit the shelves yet. With any luck, I'll find some awesome dolls. Fingers crossed!