Monday, February 2, 2015

Miss Scarlett is rather frazzled.

Oh, my. Hi, everyone! Miss Scarlett here. I'm in the midst of so much to do, but so little time. I'm at my parents' right now; my father is having another round of knee surgery, so I'm going to be helping out with taking care of him. There's so much to do to prepare, and it seems to never end! (And every time I try to sit down to do *anything* relating to blogging, my mother seeks me out: "Oh, Scarlett, good, you're on the computer not doing anything. Here, come help me with some more chores." NOOOOO.)

I stopped by Target this past weekend to pick up some necessities, and of course checked out the toy aisle. Their Monster High and Ever After High section has shrunk! I looked, in vain, for the new EAH signature dolls; not there, and the employees had no idea when Duchess, Kitty, or Ginger would arrive, if ever. They did have some of the Spring Unsprung dolls, but I'm holding off on them because I really want Duchess! I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and get her online. It seems like Target has fewer and fewer items every time I go, which is sad. I really prefer shopping in person...

Miss Momo has told be that she's going for a brief vacation in JAPAN. I'm so excited for her, and am already putting together a "shopping list" for things that I hope she can find in Tokyo. Fingers crossed!

This week, we're getting the Spring Unsprung movie on Netflix, PLUS the Persona concert in Japan where we might hear some Persona 5 news! Lots of excitement!

Now, if only I can sneak away when no one is looking... Hopefully I can get some more writing done~

Miss Scarlett, signing out!