Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Miss Scarlett's Latest Haul

Hey, everyone! Welcome to the Hobby Haven!

I got deliveries of some of my review...things...but I also bought a few things lately, so I figured I might make a mini loot haul post to tide people over until it's review time.

I found some good sales recently, so I had to take advantage! The first of which is from an online game retailer called the Humble Store, which a friend made me aware of recently. They offer PC games, just like Steam and Good Old Games, but 10% of the proceeds is donated to charities, like the American Red Cross. They also offer "humble bundles" where they will bundle together a few games, and you can pay whatever you like for them. So, for only $5, I was able to buy 7 adventure games, including the first two Broken Sword games, plus Detective Grimoire, both of which look really fun. I've signed up for their newsletter, and I think I'll be keeping an eye on them in the future.

Good old Barnes and Noble also ran a promotion through January and February where you could buy two Viz manga and get a third free! Since they also offered it on the website, I decided to shop online--I've noticed that Barnes and Noble will sometimes price their books slightly cheaper online, even if only by a dollar or two--to save money. I had $30 worth of gift cards, so I ended up getting 6 books--that way, I would have enough to get free shipping. I've become a lot better, I've noticed at curbing my impatience in order to find better deals online. Plus, it saves me a bit of money on gas! I bought some back volumes of a few manga series that I was missing: Loveless, From Far Away, and Butterflies, Flowers. I have a weakness for fantasy stories and romantic comedies, so I find I buy a lot of fantasy-themed shoujo manga.

For those interested, B&N seems to run this sale at least twice year, usually in winter and then in summer. It's a great way to catch up on series, and if I get more gift cards, I might do it again.

In housekeeping news, I'm sallying forth again this week to see if I can find Duchess (research indicates she's in-store only at Target). I've got most of my reviews and posts written and scheduled to be posted up until May, when hopefully the rest of my pre-orders come in and give me enough to have reviews throughout the summer. Fingers crossed, since my car needed a lot more repairs than I thought when I took it for inspection, sooo....yeah, Miss Scarlett is on an even tighter budget for the time being. Hopefully finances should be looking better towards summer. What are ya gonna do, you know?

Anyway, this is Miss Scarlett, signing off!