Sunday, February 22, 2015

Odds and sods

Another weekend, another mini-post. Welcome to the Hobby Haven, everyone.

I finally gave up on finding Duchess in a store near me anytime soon, and ordered her online. I've noticed that stores around me that stock Monster High and Ever After High have selections that get worse as time goes on. New releases come weeks and weeks after their street dates, and in incredibly limited selections that get snapped up quickly. And I'm just tired of wasting gas by making a trip to find something that I know probably won't be there.

It's a catch-22: stores can't stock a lot of merchandise if they don't have enough customers coming in to buy it...but customers can't buy the merchandise they want if a store doesn't have it! So I threw my hands up in the air (because I just didn't care at that point) and bought Duchess off of Amazon. So there, Target.

I met up with one of my best friends, Mrs. Peacock, a few days ago to exchange late Christmas presents. (She is, oddly enough, not married nor is she a man, but I think she'd like the moniker nonetheless.) Oh and by the way, spoilers for one of the ends of the Clue movie in that video!

What was I saying? Oh, yes. Her Christmas gift to me was one of the best gifts of all...the gift of Tsum Tsums. She remembered how much I liked the mini Tsum Tsums that I got earlier, so she splurged and picked up two of the medium sized ones for me. I'll be reviewing them later on, so please look forward to it!

Continuing on the Tsum Tsums, Disney has just released a line of 101 Dalmatians mini Tsum Tsums, as well as a Cinderella mini line! There are still a bunch more that are Japan-exclusive for now (Disney, I'm still waiting on Oswald and Donald's nephews...), but the fact that we're getting new ones here shows that there's enough demand. I'm sure we'll get them in time.

(And in the "Let's indulge Miss Scarlett's video game problem" corner, just some quick rambling news about my favorite video game series... A few weeks ago, Atlus released the first gameplay trailer for Persona 5. I've been watching it over and over, it's so good. I'm especially excited because 1. the characters are confirmed to be "phantom thieves," kind of like Lupin III, and 2. it looks like the enemies in this game are demons again; you can see the characters fighting against a Sandman and Pyro Jack in one clip. There also seem to be some platforming and stealth elements involved, possibly? There's a lot more elements going on here, but that might be deserving its own post. For now, we still have no release date beyond "2015," although Atlus stated that the Japanese first-print copies of their upcoming summer game "Persona 4: Dancing All Night" will include a special Persona 5 Blu-ray disc. I'm guessing this is a promotional disc with trailers and maybe a demo on it, so it seems unlikely that it will be released before the summer.)

And with that, I'll get going...Miss Scarlett, signing out!