Friday, March 20, 2015

Checking in!

Hi, everyone! Miss Scarlett here, checking in on the Hobby Haven. I've been so busy with family stuff lately--and work, I'm in the midst of a very stressful and time-consuming project--that I haven't really even thought about the blog lately.

I have been thinking, though, about what I'd like to do for next year.
Besides reviews and news posts, I mean. A conversation with some friends this past weekend got my mind turning back to classic video games, and how it seems that no matter how much I love them, I never quite seem to finish most of them. I've always had a sort of short attention span when it comes to video games; I'll play one for a while, and then usually hit a frustrating part that makes me put it down for a while. I tell myself that I'll give it some time and then get back to it later. Then when "later" comes, I either pick it up and can't remember where I was going/what I was doing/how the mechanics work, or I'll be gung-ho about another game and want to focus on that.

So as a result, I have a huge backlog of games that are partially finished. And that got me to thinking...what if I carved out some time to specifically focus on cutting down my backlog of classic games?  Good idea, right?

Now, it's a bit embarrassing to say this, but I have never played a Final Fantasy game to the end. Let alone 100% completion, I'm talking just the normal end. (At this very moment, I am two dungeons away from finishing Final Fantasy X, and might try to get that done this summer, but for THE MOMENT I haven't finished a FF game.) So...what if I spent some time trying to finish them? Or most of them, at least?

I'll clarify here that I've played a bit of FF XII and FF XIII--though mostly watched my friends play through them--and wasn't thrilled with what I saw. So, I wouldn't really consider playing those, as well as any of the spinoff games like X-2 and suchlike. But FF I through FF X? Fair game. Ten games would need a long time to play through. What about a year? That gives each game about 5 weeks to play through, which should be ample time.

The Year of Final Fantasy. Ten games. 52 weeks. I think I can do it!

(Of course, this all depends on when Persona 5 is released...if it's close to the end of 2015, then I'll probably be playing it well into 2016, and that would throw everything off.)

Well, that's all for now. Miss Scarlett, signing out!