Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Busy day tomorrow!

Good news, everyone! My camera is back up and running! It seems to have taken an irrational dislike to Duracell batteries, and won't turn on if you pop those in. But any other brand--even the cheap-o ones from the dollar store--are fine. Who knew?

Tomorrow's my day off, and while I have some boring errands to run in the morning, I'm going to spend the rest of the day crafting, making some posts for November and December, and browsing through the latest round of Black Friday ads. I was right in that at least two retailers will be offering a sale on the New Nintendo 3DS; while it's only $20 off, it's better than nothing, and I'm not willing to wait much longer. Now the question will be who to order from...

Miss Scarlett, signing out!