Sunday, November 1, 2015

The most wonderful time of the year?

It's that time of the year, everyone. Halloween is barely over, and already every major retailer in the country is jumping up and down with glee. The Holiday Shopping Season is now upon us (and it feels like it's earlier every year; I fully expect to see a jack o'lantern with a Santa hat one of these days).

Thanks to my new job, I now have almost the entirety of Thanksgiving week off (plus Black Friday off), so that means I can, indeed, spend some quality time snuggled up with my laptop browsing sales. I will, like last year, be posting a holiday shopping guide, but that will not be going up for another week or two. I'll be putting it up once the sales flyers leak, basically.

I already have my family's Christmas gifts acquired, so any shopping done is going to be for me--okay, and probably gifts for next year. But between the raise I got earlier, and the promise of some pretty lucrative overtime coming up, I have some cash to spend on myself.

I've already decided that I'm going to bite the bullet and splurge on the "New 3DS," which is still the dumbest name ever. Nintendo just can't figure out how to properly name their hardware, geez. I debated getting a PS4, given the recent price drop, but I think I will wait another year and see if we get a second one. And I know that I'll be buying some anime during RightStuf's sale: I'm looking to pick up some of the Yu Yu Hakusho Blu-rays, plus Log Horizon, and last year they offered a Final Fantasy artbook set which I didn't get and now am crying over.

Not quite sure what else I'll get beyond that, but I have an idea of what I'm keeping my eyes open for:

  • Sales on the re-release of the Monster High "original ghouls"; looking for Frankie and Clawdeen in particular
  • Some kind of super cheap deal on the new Jurassic Park BD collection (the one with all 4 movies)
  • Last year, lots of retailers offered deals on Nintendo eShop cards, like "Pay $40 for a $50 card"; I'm hoping to see something like that again, since there's quite a few digital releases I'm considering buying
  • As always, fingers crossed that GOG or Steam runs a sale during the same time!
  • Cheap BDs: the Daniel Craig Bond movies, Bridesmaids, etc.
  • Cheap CDs: Nightwish, Within Temptation (both have new CDs out!)
  • A new electric kettle. I am so exciting.
  • Some nice, basic shirts, like from Old Navy
  • I've been thinking about getting a Kindle, so if Amazon offers a price cut like last year, I might consider it this time.
So stay tuned, everyone! Miss Scarlett, signing out!