Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Odds and sods

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Hobby Haven!I'm your host, Miss Scarlett, and am coming to you LIVE (from work) with some bits of housekeeping business.

First is that my camera died. YAY. I'm seeing if there's any hope to get it back up and working, but it's pretty old, so my hopes are not high. Chalk yet another item onto my Black Friday Wish List. What this means is that I'm probably going to have to borrow a camera until I can get a new one; and this could possibly mean no picture posts. Sigh. Everything always breaks at the same time, huh?

Second, I am desperately working on getting Friday's media review up. Hopefully I can work on this during my break today, but if it doesn't make an appearance until later...sorry!

Third, I will probably have the Shopping Guide up by next week. I might be able to get it up before then, but I think we're talking Monday at the latest.

Fourth, the Ever After High Dragon Games dolls should be released soon, according to the fan page. "Soon," in their parlance, usually means a few weeks to a month, so I am expecting more of a December holiday release. Momo and I might go together to look at them. The dolls are $19.99 apiece (except for Apple; she comes with a pet dragon and is $29.99), so I might get one for the time being, unless there is a good sale, like 2-for-1. (I want Darling and Raven, Momo wants Mira and is undecided on the others.) Also, the Target-exclusive Tricastleon set (Hunter, Cerise, and Lizzie) is now available for $49.99 and is in stores.

Fifth, the Good Old Games fall sale is LIVE! You get free games when you spend $5, $15, or $30, plus there are new daily deals every 12 hours, plus daily bundles. It's 11 days full of gaming goodness! (I wonder when Steam's sale starts?)

Miss Scarlett, signing out!