Friday, October 21, 2016

Happy weekend!

It's finally Friday! I hope you're all as excited for the weekend as I am!

I had to share this with you; the wonderful Miss Momo surprised me with a toy from the DC Super Hero Girls Happy Meals from McDonald's! Three guesses who it was, and the first two don't count...

I am amazed at how well made she is for a modern Happy Meal toy. Her left arm swivels, but the right one is fixed. (...Why??) She can also swivel her head and at the waist. If she could just move her other arm, too, this would be a fantastic toy. The colors are bright, no parts removable, pretty solid...pretty good, overall.

Her hair is rooted and brushable. It's hard to tell from the picture, but her hair streak is purple (or at least a shade of blue that is incredibly close to purple). 

You also get a...POG? I haven't seen those in years. Are they making a comeback? The official character art is on it, which is nice.

Anyway, my nattering aside, have a great weekend, everyone! Miss Scarlett, signing out!