Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Extravaganza...Part 3!

Welcome back, everyone!

Last, but not least, is a review of the October Japan Crate that I picked up, which (unsurprisingly) is Halloween-themed. The regular Japan Crate differs from the DokiDoki crate in that you can pick from three "levels." There's the Mini (which gets you 5 items for $12), the Original (which gets you 5 items for $25), and the Premium (which gets you 15 items for $30, and includes a drink). Shipping is free. I managed to get a Groupon to try the Premium crate for only $20.

Japan Crate boxes are usually red and white, but this edition is purple and white and absolutely smothered in little ghostly designs. The center design has little yokai--Japanese monster--all gathered in a circle. There are little touches all over the box:

Check out all the goodies inside!

This little booklet explains what everything is, showing what you get with each level of crate. The premium crate has everything listed on the page. Jack the Skeleton Bunny is going to help by holding the paper open for me to photograph.

They decided to do a "trick or treat" with the beverage included this time. They could "trick" you by giving you a can of clam-flavored miso soup, or "treat" you to creme brulee-flavored milk tea.

Well, looks like I got "treated"! 

Okay, there's a LOT of stuff in here, and I haven't eaten it all yet, so I'll just try to go through it as best as I can. This is "Halloween Shimi Choco Corn," a chocolate-flavored puffed corn snack.

A whole bag full of flan-flavored Kit Kats! YES THANK YOU JAPAN CRATE

"Maple Butterbeer Ramune Candy": it's maple and butterscotch flavored Ramune (which is a kind of soda). Japanese candy manufacturers sure love pairing weird flavors, huh?

Hey, it's those koala cookies! I've had these before, so that's two things that I know what I'm eating.

Orange-flavored gummies in a pyramid package!

And Hi-Chew! They're like a softer version of Starburst. I love the happy little ghosts on these! It looks like green apple and strawberry, yum!

"Monster Stamp": so you lick the one end, which is flavored (this one is cider flavored), and then stamp things, and the stick will print designs. I wonder what you can stamp?

These next few entries are corn potage-flavored "Umaibou"...whatever those are, it doesn't really specify. It's probably something crunchy?

BLAAAAAAAACk THUUUUUNDERRRRRR (This is apparently a type of crispy, crunchy chocolate bar. Seeing that it's endorsed by so many monsters, I'm sure it will be delicious.)

These are senbei, or deep fried rice crackers! I love the silly, spoopy ghosts.

Chupa Chups are universal. I think this is banana strawberry.

This is one of those food kits where you mix the stuff together and it makes, like an edible science experiment? This is supposed to make flavored slime.

Pumpkin lollipops! I'm surprised that we don't have that yet in the States, given that we have pumpkin spice Cheerios, of all things.

These are "ponsuke," which are apparently crispy wheat...things? It looks like cereal, tbh.

I'm exhausted at this point, guys, so I'm going to sign off and probably eat some of this. Miss Scarlett, signing out and wishing you all a Happy Halloween!