Thursday, August 27, 2015

Checking in!

Hey, everyone! Welcome to the Hobby Haven!

I've been pretty consumed with my new job for the past two weeks, so I have not expended ANY effort towards the blog. I put a couple posts up for auto-post, and that was about it. I am hoping that once I get into the rhythm of things over the next week or two, I'll have some time to deal with posts. I feel like I keep saying that over and over, but it honestly has been a crazy couple months. A crazy summer, come to think of it.

I'm pretty antsy for September to roll around, since that's when I'll get paid. And in the middle of all of the bills that I have to pay (dentist, oil change, all of that fun stuff), I'm going to set aside some cash to FINALLY pick up a New 3DS XL once the holidays hit. I'm hoping that Nintendo will announce some exclusives for it, but in any case, there will be a TON of games for me to play. I already have a small stockpile of MegaTen (Persona Q, Soul Hackers, SMT IV), plus Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, and I've got the collector's edition of The Legend of Legacy on pre-order. I'm crossing my fingers for some good discounts on Nintendo e-Shop cards so I can get the fifth Ace Attorney game and some other digital exclusives.

So this might end up as the "Video Game Haven" at some point, since I know I'll be rambling about them for a bit. I may even do a post of my video game collection and talk about it a bit.

Beyond all that, all's quiet on the home front. Just trying to get settled in here. Hope everyone enjoys the last bits of summer! Miss Scarlett, signing out!