Sunday, August 2, 2015

Movin' on up!

I am very excited to announce that I have finally been able to get a new job! I won't go into too many details, but it's a full-time position in my field that, shockingly, hits most of the check-marks on my "Miss Scarlett's Dream Job Wishlist." It's actually not that far from my current job, so my commute won't change by much. More responsibilities, more pay, and promised vacation time and professional development support. My schedule is even structured similarly to my previous job, and I'll be able to sleep in (I usually work afternoons and evenings)!

Even better, this should relieve some of the financial strain that I was feeling earlier. So while you won't be seeing huge floods of reviews now--I've finally decided to bite the bullet and look into replacing my car--there should be a bit more than before. And I won't be griping as much. Hopefully. Remember, mo' money, mo' taxes. But such is life.

So I can confirm that yes, I will be checking some items off of my doll wishlists, and you will be seeing those pop up in the next few months. Probably not until later in the fall or winter, since I have a lot to do, finance-wise (no matter how tempted I will be to dash off and shop once my paycheck hits my bank account). And honestly, the sales will be better around the holidays.

Aaaaand I got a new TV! Funny story: my grandmother called me up the other week. "Scarlett, could you use a new TV?" I said sure, why not. "Well, you'd better come down right away and get it!" Why right away, I asked. "Mr. So-and-So in the apartment next door just died, and his daughter asked if I wanted his TV. So you need to come and get it before the undertaker comes!" Why do I have to get there before the undertaker? "Because HE might take it!" Oh, dear.

Thank you, Mr. So-and-So, for the new TV. I will cherish it lovingly.

Miss Scarlett, signing out!