Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I'm not dead!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I ordered a bunch of stuff, so depending on when USPS gets them to me, there will be some new reviews coming down the pipeline! I've unintentionally put off doing a bunch of reviews because I haven't had the time, and I feel like I keep saying that and apologizing for it...so frustrating. The crafting posts are taking the longest, because I have to remember all the steps I did, plus the mindset I was in. But I know that I will get there eventually; I'm actually editing the next media review as I type this. Well, I'm not doing it WHILE I type this, but you get the idea.

I'm thinking about going back and editing some of my more recent reviews, because comparisons between them and my earliest reviews show that my writing skills have been dropping off. Gotta practice, practice, practice.

As a head's up for what's going to be happening in the immediate future:

  • Shocktober! Lots of Halloween and monster movies, plus a related media review. Maybe a recipe or two if I can settle on something that I like. Plus a Miss Scarlett Travels special!
  • Holiday shopping guides! They were pretty popular last year, so I'll be making periodic ones, but keeping a close eye on Right Stuf because I am a giant nerd. Expect some cross-posting from Kotaku and CheapAssGamer, but I'll keep you informed of deals as I find them.
  • Massive game sales! My wishlists may be whittled down, but I bet yours aren't. Keep an eye on the Hobby Haven for postings for sales from Steam, GOG, Humble Bundle, etc.
Well, I think that should do it for now. Miss Scarlett, signing out!

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