Monday, September 28, 2015

Well, this sucks.

Oh dear, oh dear.

Important Figuarts news, you guys. Amazon has emailed me a CANCELLATION of my Sailor Pluto S.H. Figuarts. In fact, the Amazon listing is no longer searchable, but I can still reach it from my cancellation email. It's listed as "currently unavailable," and the "official" reason given for the cancellation was "lack of availability."

Now, this is where it gets interesting. The Sailor V Figuarts is undergoing the same thing. But none of the existing Sailor Moon Figuarts have been affected! They are all still up on Amazon. I am wondering if some kind of issue is happening with Bluefin, the company that distributes Figuarts here in North America.

I'm a little worried, and not entirely sure what to do. Nobody seems to carry pre-orders for Pluto in stock save for Crunchyroll, and they charge you at time of order, not time of shipping, so I am hesitant. Plus, they charge $10 for shipping, so I'd be paying more than I would through Amazon.

I keep remembering the problems I had getting Saturn, so this may be a situation where I have to wait and see what happens...ugh.

In happier news, Dunkin is offering free Dunkin Dark coffee tomorrow in honor of National Coffee Day. So there's that, I guess.